Please see for our new project - Children of a Silent World.
Children of a Silent World
The Problem
Human trafficking is a planet wide epidemic. With the ease of travel, human beings are trafficked planet wide and children are the most lucrative in this multi-billion dollar business. This film focuses on children between the ages of ten and sixteen. These children have been abandoned, literally thrown out of the home of one or both parents, left behind when parents move on. Or they have fled abusive situations so intense, the unknown is risked rather than face mutilation and death.
With the collaboration of the FBI, KBI, victims, numerous law enforcement agents and lawmakers, we will weave the story concisely so as not to focus on the problem. We must make the problem clear but our intent is to focus on the need, the progress, and the solution. Not the problem.
A concerning issue is when these children escape and need help; there are few places for them to go. Added to this problem, there is a lack of law enforcement training when dealing with these children. Funds that were available for rehabilitation centers have been cut off by our government. There is a huge hole in our system that needs filling.
The Solution
These kids need a safe place for rehabilitation and education. Having been forced to develop only survival skills, they lack healthy life styles, have deep psychological wounds, and need a structure to provide direction to live a productive life. An example of a beginning solution is the model Dallas, TX has put into place.
Safe havens have been developed for the kids to go to with rehabilitation offered. When these kids are ready, a solution is there for them.
The Purpose
Little Wolf Productions was approached by women of law enforcement expressing the need for help. “Help us help these children,” was their plea. They explained that funding disappeared for any forward movement to help victims of trafficking. The crux of the problem is: if a child is found during a drug bust or a sting, there is no place to take her for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation does not exist for minors. The training for law enforcement in this area is so scarce that oftentimes during a bust, if a young girl is present, she is told to go home. There is no home for her to go to.
This film is a tool to educate, raise awareness, and train task force agencies and law enforcement. They, at the grassroots, will use this film for the purpose of raising funds for the necessary rehabilitation centers that will provide medical treatment, counseling, social rehabilitation, education, and a safe place for these children and youth to learn how to live life as close to normal as possible.
She can’t speak for herself
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